Specific courses

Courses 2021

10 dives around the "photo with a compact camera"
How to choose the object, position oneself, use camera resource, camera training philosophy, lighting - of the camera, of natural light, of external contribution, selecting pictures.
You will need to bring your own a camera, its notice, and preferably a laptop or a tablet.
Price: 340€
Included: The dives, the tank, the training.
Not included: housing, food, rent of diving equipement.

Deep dive
7 - 11 June 2021
10 dives around the theme of deep dives. Flexible according your level: practise of dive from 40m; training on supervision of deep dives, use of specific materials.
Supervision for sea dive of PPA LIFRAS.
Price: 360€
Included: The dives, the tank, the training.
Not included: housing, food, rent of diving equipement, complementary nitrox training, O2 air.

SDI Open Water instructor training
From 11th Oct. 2021 to 21st Oct. 2021
Contact us for registration details

SDI Dive Master training
From 11th Oct. 2021 to 17th Oct.
Contact us for registration details
Dive & Stay package 2021
We welcome groups of divers, either autonomous or with their own dive master. We offer different formulas:

For the week-end
2 dives each day
The prize starts at 100 € for each diver without accommodation (minimum 10 divers)
The prize starts at 195 € for each diver with collective housing and catering (min 15 divers). (you must reserve yourself the accommodation)

For a week
2 dives each day from monday to friday (10 dives in the week).
- The prize starts at 265 € for each diver without accomodation.
- The prize starts at 329 €
including accomodation in comfortable chalet in the holiday village near Cassis (Odalys Residence Shangri-La) (min 4 divers).